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From Architect to Astral Projection and Spiritual Exploration - Janine Regan-Sinclair

| Podcast

In this fascinating and enlightening episode, we delve into the spiritual world with our guest, Janine Regan-Sinclair, a Consciousness Architect. This conversation provides a rare glimpse behind the veil of reality and offers a unique perspective on spirituality, consciousness, and the...
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40 Years of Astral Projecting - A Journey Beyond Life, Death and Spiritual Dimensions

| Podcast

Today, on The Astral Projecting Podcast, I'm talking with Brian Sangster.   Brian had his first Astral Projection experience over 40 years ago when he was just 9 years old!  It was totally spontaneous and, as a kid, it scared the hell out of him! Since that time, Brian has gone on to have...
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Adventures Beyond the Body - William Buhlman

| Podcast

I had my first OBE (Out of Body Experience) about 30 years ago, back when I was in my early 20's. At first, I was terrified by the whole experience. My OBE was brought on, ironically, by my wife having her own Out-of-body experience on the same night. She had just left her body and was startled by...


About the Astral Projecting Podcast
Hi - Im Brent from Australia.
I had my first Astral Out-of-Body experience 30 years ago by accident and it totally changed my life!

This website and my podcast (The Astral Projecting Podcast) is a passion project toward the exploration (and understanding) of Astral Projection, Out-of-Body experiences, Lucid Dreams and Near-Death-Experiences!

What's Your Story?

About the Astral Projecting Podcast
  • Have you Astral Projected?
  • Had an Out-of-Body Experience?
  • Near-Death Experience?
Share your story and experiences with other listeners!

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You'll be doing your part to spread truth, help grow the podcast and give encouragement to others looking to get into Astral Projection.